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We Know What Works—Builder Designs’ Proven Strategies for 2025

September 19, 2024

As we approach the final quarter of the year, builders across the country are feeling the pressure. From a lack of leads and lower web traffic to the uncertainty of an election year’s impact on interest rates and real estate, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. But at Builder Designs, we want to remind you of one thing: We know what works.

With the most comprehensive data in the industry and years of proven success, we have the ability to make data-driven decisions that drive real results. Whether it’s crafting the perfect content strategy or optimizing your website’s tech capabilities, our approach is tailored to help you succeed—even in a volatile market. Here’s how we’re setting you up for success for 2025 and beyond.

The current market: Navigating challenges and uncertainty

The talk surrounding interest rates is keeping buyers cautious, and the upcoming election only adds to the uncertainty. Lately, our data shows a clear trend: builders who are pulling back on marketing are seeing a drop in web traffic and lead generation—proving that now is not the time to hit the brakes on your digital strategy.

With traditional direct targeting becoming more limited, retargeting and custom audience building have become crucial. If your marketing efforts have been too isolated, you’re missing out on potential buyers. By streamlining your strategy and staying consistent across multiple channels, you’ll be able to capture more leads and stay competitive—especially as cost-per-click (CPC) advertising values fluctuate. We expect that many advertisers will hold steady, potentially lowering CPC, meaning there’s an opportunity to maximize your budget while others remain hesitant. Stay on top of connecting different advertising platforms to your website and CRM to get your ads in front of visitors, lost sales and people who share their demographic and behavior similarities.

Be proactive in 2025

2025 will be here before we know it, and the most successful builders will be the ones who start preparing early. Here’s what you can do now to ensure you’re ready for a strong start:

Use all channels to your advantage: To maximize your reach in 2025, you need to be everywhere your audience is. With more platforms available than ever before—Google, Facebook, Instagram and more—it’s critical to utilize every channel at your disposal. Wherever potential buyers are searching, browsing or engaging with content, you should be present.

Stay on top of your content strategy and website tech: Ensure your content strategy is both comprehensive and adaptable by integrating transactional and relational content that resonates with your audience. Complement this with cutting-edge website technology to enhance user experience and SEO performance. You’ll also want to regularly update your site’s tech and content to keep pace with evolving algorithms and maintain engagement across all platforms.

Create a realistic budget: Your 2025 marketing budget should account for all channels—SEO, paid ads, social media, email marketing and content creation. Plan for potential market shifts and be ready to adjust as needed.

Narrow down your goals: What do you want to achieve in 2025? Whether it’s more leads, higher conversion rates or greater brand awareness, defining your goals now will guide your strategy and budget allocation.

Start working on your digital strategy: Waiting until the new year to begin crafting your strategy puts you at a disadvantage. Begin laying the groundwork now, so you’re ahead of the competition by the time January rolls around.

Join our upcoming webinar: Dive deeper into our strategies

To help you prepare even further, join us for a free webinar on October 2 at 11am CT, where our team of experts will explore the latest industry data, share success stories that have proven effective for our partners, and guide you in crafting a proactive, data-driven digital strategy for 2025. You won’t want to miss it—register today and take the first step toward a successful new year.

At Builder Designs, we know what works. Whether you’re looking to drive more leads, improve your web traffic or enhance your overall digital presence, we have the data, the tools and the expertise to help you succeed. Let’s start building your path to 2025 success—together. Reach out to today to learn more.

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