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Facebook Marketing Hacks: July 2016

August 12, 2016
If you're not convinced Facebook needs to be an integral part of your marketing and SEO strategy, think again. Here are some new and interesting ways to use Facebook as more than just a social posting platform. 1. Optimize Posts for SEO  Google is now indexing Facebook posts. This means that sometimes it's possible that one of your Facebook posts could rank on the first page of Google's search results. Why would this matter? For one, it gives you one more opportunity for visibility when someone searches online. Another benefit is that your Facebook post could push an undesirable search result out of the first page for searches related to your company. Have you ever noticed a bad review site or posts relating to consumer complaints about your company showing up in search? Yeah, this is a good way to try to push those to the bottom. Optimizing posts for SEO simply means that you use keyword phrases that closely or exactly match phrases people use when searching for products, services, or questions related to your business (and your location). Working with an SEO strategist can help you uncover these terms--we call them "longtail keyword phrases." Don't expect this strategy to work with your most competitive keywords. Instead, think of it as a way to easily attract people looking for very specific products and services, or answers to very specific questions. If you're hosting an open house or offering a special promotion, post about it on Facebook. Be conscious of the phrasing you use--try to think of how someone would search Google to find this information. You should be able to check up on your success within a few days of posting--Google is pretty quick about getting these posts in the search results! Facebook posts in search results   2. Facebook 360: Matterport Hack  You can do a Matterport-like virtual home tour using the new Facebook 360 feature. All you have to do is take a panoramic photo in a model home or community using your smartphone and upload it to Facebook like any other photo. When you publish it, an icon will appear that allows the user to scan around the photo similar to how they would on Matterport. Want to learn more? Check out this article. Phone with panoramic picture of grand canyon     3. Don't just "like" -- reply.  It seems simple, but taking a moment to reply to a person's comment on your post adds a far more personal touch than a typical "like." Doing so makes people feel like they're interacting with a person, not a robot. When you reply to comments, you'll see an increase in comments and inquiries on your boosted posts--you may even get a few leads out of it! We did this experiment on a boosted post for our client Inspired Homes and saw a 27% lift in engagement, 63% further reach, and a 72% increase in page likes. Not to mention, it just looks so much friendlier! 2016-08-12_1416   Good luck implementing these new strategies! We're interested to hear about your results. Shoot us a message at and let us know how things turned out.

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